CSC 104 weekly discussion week 11,12

Hi! welcome to my week 11 and week 12 discussion for CSC 104 I decided to put two weeks discussion for the week 11 and 12 because I want to discuss more on the project 2. Recently I just finished the project 2, which I think is more interesting than project 1, in Project 2, we were asked to discover a model of people getting infected in the disease on the different scenario. Eventually, there will be a finished animation at the end of the project indicates the result of the model. There are three Values in the project, Infected, immunity, and Infectable, the infectable will be represented as the blue dot in the animation. The people getting infected will be the red dot, and the immune people will be green. I think this project is interesting for me since how I notice by building up my own knowledge I can eventually get the model of all the interesting facts.