CSC weekly discussion week 4

Hello everyone, Welcome to my CSC Blog weekly Discussion 

     This week I learned some concepts about and/or/first/rest function, and we can use the  function  to sort a list whether is in order or not, which will produce a boolean. This concept is useful since there will be an upcoming project and I might use these concepts in the Project.
Sort a function and produce a boolean 
The and/ or function determined the booleans in the function. "and" takes booleans and determines if they are all #True. ON the other hand, or function takes Boolean and determines if at least one of them is #true. The first and rest function also give the idea of sorting function by parts, if you only want to have the first string in your entire string, the first function will help you in a second. Similarly, if you want to have the string without the first one, the function "rest" will aid you. These Functions are really essential for text editing and helpful when you need to cut certain part of the function.
The Concept of boolean is also important in the course.
We are using a lot of Boolean even in our real life. The Boolean will also be a good overview of the upcoming Project.

See you guys next week!


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